How to draft an application under-section 205 Cr. P.C for permanent dispensation of attendance /appearance of accused? The sample/draft is given here, please make necessary amendments as per the facts of the case.

application under-section 205 Cr. P.C

Purpose: To seek permanent dispensation from the court proceedings in a criminal case.

Forum: Trial Court

The State               Versus    Abc etc

(CASE FIR NO. 7001/21, DATED 04.06.2021, OFFENCE IN CROSS VERSION UNDER SECTION 337F(ii), 337F(i), 337A(i) 337 L(ii), 148, 149 PPC, POLICE STATION CITY RAWALPINDI)


Respectfully Sheweth:

That the above titled criminal case is pending before this Hon’ble court for adjudication and is fixed for today.

That the applicant has been facing agony from the very inception of the case and attending the court’s proceeding without any failure.

That the applicant/accused is working aboard in order to earn livelihood to his entire family and last time he came in Pakistan on vacation but meanwhile, the complainant maliciously roped the applicant in the instant false case (copies of passport and other relevant documents are attached herewith for kind perusal of this Hon’ble court).

That now, the applicant has to go aboard on his job, therefore, the applicant /accused seeks dispensation from his personal appearance before this Hon’ble court, whereas, the counsel of the applicant would regularly appear before this Hon’ble court on behalf of the applicant as well on each and every date of hearing.

That the trial can be conducted in absence of the petitioner/accused as provided in Section 205 Cr.P.C, and later on at any subsequent stage of the proceedings if the appearance of the petitioner /accused would necessarily be required, the petitioner/accused assures this Hon’ble court that he would appear before this Hon’ble court.

That due to above-mentioned reasons the applicant/accused is unable to attend the proceedings of this Hon’ble court.

That the absence of the applicant/accused is not willful but due to the unavoidable reasons mentioned supra.

That if the presence of the petitioner/accused before this Hon’ble court is not dispensed, the applicant along with his entire family shall suffer an irreparable loss.


It is most respectfully prayed that the instant application may please be accepted and the appearance of the applicant be dispensed with the exempted from personal appearance from preceding of the court in the instant case, in the interest of justice.

Any other relief which this Hon’ble court deems fit and proper may also be granted to the applicant /accused.

Applicant /accused              Through                 Counsel

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