How to get the correction of the name in the educational record? What is the process for correction of name in result/intimation card? The sample /draft is given here

Correction of the name

Purpose: to get a correct name in the result card/certificate through a court of competent jurisdiction.

Forum: Senior Civil Judge.

(Name along with parentage and address of the plaintiff) …Plaintiff


(To implead concerned board/university)      …Defendants


Respectfully Sheweth,

That the plaintiff is an educated lady, who changed her name from Husna Mushtaq to Husna Khan by filling all the legal and codal fatalities and now according to the National Computerized Identity Card bearing No. 37407-6862259-9 the name of the plaintiff is Husna  Khan d/o Muhammad Riaz. A copy of CNIC is attached herewith.     

That the plaintiff passed the matriculation and intermediate examinations from defendant No.1’s educational board vide Roll No. 11111111 in the year 2011 and Roll No. 2222222 in the year 2018 respectively, whereas, the plaintiff also completed her graduation exam under the supervision of defendant No. 2 vide Roll No. 111112 in the year 2018. Copies of educational certificates/degrees are attached herewith.      

That as the name of the plaintiff has been changed from Husna Mushtaq to Husna  Khan, therefore, the plaintiff wants to change her name in the educational certificate issued by the defendants, and in this regard, the plaintiff a number of times approached to the office of the defendants but they are not ready to change the name of the plaintiff on her educational certificate without a decree of this Hon’ble court. The plaintiff already filed a suit for the same purpose, which the same was conditionally withdrawn by the plaintiff, hence this suit.  

That despite all efforts the defendants are not ready to incorporate the necessary mentioned above correction on the result card/mark sheets of the plaintiff, hence this case.

That cause of action firstly accrued to the plaintiff when the plaintiff changed her name and lastly when the defendants finally refused to entertain the application of the plaintiff for correction of the name in the educational certificates/degree, which is still continuing.

That the plaintiff is residing at Rawalpindi and cause of action accrued at Rawalpindi, hence this Hon’ble court has jurisdiction to entertain the suit.

That the value of the suit for the purpose of jurisdiction is fixed as Rupees 2000/-, which is exempted from the court fee.      


In view of the above, it is, therefore, most humbly prayed that a decree for a declaration to the effect that the actual and correct name of the plaintiff is “Husna  Khan”, and a decree for mandatory injunction be directed the defendants to correct the name of the plaintiff on the result intimation cards/degree accordingly and issue fresh result card/degree to the plaintiff with the correct name of plaintiff i.e. Husna  Khan, may kindly be passed in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendants, in the interest of justice.

Any other relief which this Hon’ble court deems fit and proper may also be granted to the plaintiff.

Plaintiff                  Through                 counsel


Verified on Oath at city on this day of month, year, the contents of para  1 to 4 of the plaint are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and rest of the paras No.5 to 7 are also believed to be true and correct.


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