Writ Petition U/A 199 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 against tender issued by the govt. How to write a constitutional petition against the govt. tender / Bid process? What are the essentials for the Bid process/tender? The format is given below.

Writ Petition U/A 199 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973

 Purpose of Writ Petition U/A 199 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 is to seek constitutional jurisdiction against the impugned tender /bid process.


Writ Petition No.                 /2022

(Name of company i.e. XYZ Govt. Contractor & General Order Suppliers, through its proprietor/CEO with complete name, parentage, and address).



1.       Director General, Pakistan Public Works Department (Pak-PWD), G-9/1, Islamabad.  

2.       Chief Engineer (N), Pakistan Public Works Department (Pak-PWD), G-9/1, Islamabad.  

3.       Executive Engineer, Central Civil Division No. V, Pakistan Public Works Department (Pak-PWD), G-9/1, Islamabad.

…. Respondents



That through the instant petition the jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Court has been revoked for direction to respondents for declaring that not selling the Tender documents to petitioner against Notice Inviting Tenders No. EE.CCD.V/AB/1117 dated 27.02.2022 for participating in Bid Process dated, further postponed for 17.12.2022 is illegal, unlawful, unjust further respondents be directed for conducting the entire procurement process in a fair and transparent manner, in accordance with law, free of nepotism, while passing written orders, following the Notice Inviting Tenders as well as PPRA procedure, further that if any mobilization process or award or contract with the blue-eyed ones (if passed) in absence of the petitioner or by giving precedence to blue-eyed ones over petitioner lawful right to award, may kindly be declared as illegal, unlawful, discriminatory and against the principles of natural justice, thus may be set aside, and the respondents may be restrained of in passing any such order in future which amounts to prejudice to the rights of the petitioner  or created invasion therein or any act which creates miscarriage of justice due to filing of the instant petition in the best interest of justice      

Respectfully Sheweth;


That the petitioner is a license holder under Construction bearing License No. 11119, Category C-5, with validity up till 30.07.2022. The petitioner successfully completed many projects under the licensed company and is enjoying good repute in the business community and related Government Departments etc.  

That the petitioner and contractors associated with respondent No. 1 observed the specific pattern for applying the tender from the department, from the inception of tender by respondent No. 1, in order to grant tenderers to constructs respondent No. 1 advised a system that should follow a particular pattern. The tenders should essentially include the following information.

i.         Name of procuring agency

ii.       Tender number (for identification)

iii.      Procurement titled (indicating type and quantity)

iv.      Contact person (for seeking bidding documents)

v.        Last date for obtaining bidding documents and their price (if any).

vi.      Closing time and date as well as a place for receiving bids.

vii.    Time and Place of the public opening of bids (bids must be opened on the closing date at least thirty minutes after the deadline for submission of bids)   

viii.   Amount of bid security (5 ages of estimated price)

ix.      Procurement method

x.        In case the tender notice involves different categories of goods, work, or services, the procuring agency must mention whether the evaluation shall be item-wise or on an accumulative cost basis.

xi.      Bid validity period

xii.     The bidding document shall be made available to the interested firms /prospecting bidders, immediately after the bidding notice is published.

That respondent No. 1 is bound to publish a tender for the invitation of Bids at electronic and print media, interested contractor, securing the criteria used to apply bid documents and subsequently submit their offer through closed envelope before the respondent No. 1. The opening of the bid would be public which shows transparency in the procedure.

On 27.12.2021, respondent No. 1 made publication No. EE.CCD.V/AC/1133 through PPRA Website for the invitation of Tender for different projects through which reputed companies/individuals registered with FBR/Income Tax Department and PEC Category was invited for tender sale on or before 14.01.2022.

That the petitioner also applied in process of tender sale on 14.01.20212after complying with all cordial formalities including submitting all fees applicable according to a tender invitation, against all invitation of Tenders through publication dated 27.02.2022 but respondents did not sell tender to the petitioner without any lawful reason or justification, which is against the law, PPRA Rules and rights of the petitioner. 

That the respondents are entertaining the incomplete applications of many companies without looking into the requirement of advertisement even though many participants are not capable to participate due to lack of capacity but defendants are entertaining them without scrutiny for facilitating their blue eyes but refusing to sell the tender companies capable as petitioners.

That in spite of all requests and references to relevant rules, the respondents not only refused from acceding to the request of the petitioner but also started threatening to blacklist the petitioner for future projects of respondent No. 1, hence the petitioner has no other option but to knock the door of this Hon’ble court.

That the respondents are intending to apply the pick & choose policy while awarding the Tender to their beloved /chosen companies, whereas, the petitioner will be deprived form his legitimate rights by the respondent’s unjust act by refusing the petitioner’s right to get bid documents and to participate in Bid process on 15.02.2022, postponed for 27.03.2022, which will be a clear violation of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.  

That being aggrieved of not selling bid documents, the petitioner approached respondents for its redressal of grievance and requested to direct the officials working under their authority to proceed in accordance with the law in a transparent manner but none of the above put any heeds towards the genuine request of the petitioner and participate in Bid process on 27.03.2022, which is a clear violation of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, hence the instant writ petition U/A 199 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973  inter alia on following:-


a.       That the petitioner is a respectable citizen and entitled to be dealt with law and due course of law and process for equal treatment for avail all prospective, enjoyment, and protection of all fundamental rights under the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

b.       That the respondents without any lawful justification deprived the petitioner of his rights which clearly smokes mockery in the eyes of the law and just to grant the tender to their favorite one without any due process of law and lawful justification that too against the PPRA Rules.

c.        That the bid notice directs to provide sufficient time to complete and submit the bid by the closing date, the respondents only gave one day for submission of the bid after purchasing documents which itself demolishes the structure being illegal from inception, which is against PPRA rules and settled principle of law.

d.       That the petitioner is qualified than the requisite qualification as envisaged under the tender bid but the respondent while extending preferential treatment towards the blue-eyed ones and without adopting a transparent document process deprives the petitioner to have a pivotal role in serving the nation, which acts on their part is tainted with malice mala fide illegal & unlawful. Reliance is placed on “PLD 2019 SC602”.

e.       That the process of procurement carried out by any authority should be transparent, just, and in accordance with the law. Moreover, it is an established principle of law that discretion must be exercised fairly, justly, and to advance the cause of justice. Reliance is placed on “1995 SCMR 650” & 2010 SCMR 1301”. 

f.         That the act of the respondents is illegal, unlawful, and without any reason or lawful justification and also without any authority that too misuses the power/authority.

g.       That the impugned action is also a violation of the law laid down by the superior courts of Pakistan in a number of cases.

h.       That the impugned act of the respondents is a miscarriage of justice to the petitioner which is liable to be set aside. 

That the petitioners have no other efficacious and expeditious remedy available except to invoke the jurisdiction of this Hon’ble court for the redressal of their grievance.


In view of the above circumstances, it is, most respectfully prayed that the instant writ petition may kindly be accepted and kindly be declared that not selling the Tender documents to the petitioner against Notice Inviting Tenders No. EE.CCD.V/AB/117 dated 27.01.2022 for participating in Bid Process dated 15.02.2022, further postponed for 17.02.2022 is illegal, unlawful, unjust, illegal, discriminatory and against the principles of natural justice, thus process initiated without giving the opportunity of the petitioner may kindly be set aside, further respondents are directed to conduct the entire procurement process is the fair and transparent manner, in accordance with the law, free of nepotism, while passing written orders, following the Notice Inviting Tenders as well as PPRA procedure, and the respondents may be restrained from passing any such order in future which amounts to prejudice to the rights of the petitioner or created invasion therein or any act which creates miscarriage of justice due to filing of the instant writ petition, in the best interest of justice

Any other relief which this Hon’ble court deems just and proper may also be awarded.


Petitioner                              Through                           Counsel


Certificate: -

Certified as per instructions this is the first appeal on the subject ever moved before this Hon’ble Court.

No other petition, revision, or application on the subject is pending in any court of law up till the Supreme Court of Pakistan.



1.       To attach an affidavit in support of writ petition, application for suspension of the bid process, etc

2.       To attach all the relevant documents including license, notices and other documents.

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