Writ petition U/A 199 of the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973 in a family matter. How to create a writ petition in a family matter. The sample is given below, please make necessary amendments.

Writ petition U/A 199 of the constitution in a family matter

to invoke the constitutional jurisdiction against the impugned judgments and decrees passed by the trial court as well as appellate court respectively.


W.P No.__________/2022

(Name, parentage, and address of the petitioner)       …. Petitioner


1.       (Name, parentage, and address of the private respondent/s)

2.       (Name of minor /if any)

3.       Additional District Judge (Appellate Court)

4.       Judge Family Court (Trial Court)                               …. Respondents


Respectfully Sheweth:-

That respondent No. 2 is a minor who is impleaded in the instant writ petition through her real mother i.e. respondent No. 1.

That brief facts for the disposal of the instant writ petition are that respondent No. 1 filed a suit for recovery of past and future maintenance of Rs.200,000/- for respondent No. 1 @ Rs.3,000/- per month since and Rs.120,000/- @ Rs.5000/- per month for minor /respondent No. 2 since 24.02.2016  since 24.02.2016 with 20% annual increase and recovery of dower in the shape of House measuring 11 Marlas or its alternate amount of Rs.20,00,000/- against the petitioner with the averments that the marriage between the spouses was solemnized on 09.06.2014 and the respondent No. 1 started performing matrimonial obligations. At the time of marriage, the dower was fixed as Rs.5000/- and 11 marlas constructed house. Through Rs.5000 were paid but the constructed house is outstanding. After marriage, the attitude of respondent No. 1 was cordial but later on, it changed. Out of wedlock, respondent No. 2 was born on 01.08.2016, and is alive and in the custody of respondent No. 1. The petitioner expelled respondent No. 1 from his house when she was pregnant. The minor /respondent No. 2 Anabia Mehak was born during the period of desertion of respondent No. 1 and all the delivery expenses were borne by the parents of respondent No.1 along with the minor rehabilitated with the petitioner through Jirga. On 24.02.2016, the petitioner again expelled respondent No. 1 along with a minor in three wearing apparel and since then, the petitioner neither contacted them nor paid any maintenance allowance. The respondent is a man of means being an employee in Survey Company in Iraq and earns millions. He was asked times and against to pay maintenance allowance and dower but he refused.

Thereafter, the petitioner contested the suit by filing a written statement, while raising various legal and factual objections and out of divergent pleadings of the parties, the learned family court framed the following: -


I.                     Whether the plaintiffs are entitled to recover maintenance allowance from the defendant, if so, at what rate and for what period? OPP

II.                   Whether the plaintiff is entitled to get dower as land measuring 11- marlas constructed house as per stipulation of Nikahnama or alternative its price as Rs.20,00,000/-? OPP

III.                  Whether the defendant is entitled to a decree of restitution of conjugal rights against the plaintiff No. 1? OPD

IV.                 Relief.

That the case was fixed for the evidence, whereupon both the parties recorded their respective evidence before the learned family court in order to prove their stances.

That after hearing the arguments and recording of evidence of both the parties, the learned family court partially decreed the suit of respondent No. 1 to the effect that the monthly maintenance of respondent/plaintiff No. 1 is fixed as Rs.20,000/- per month since 27.09.2018 till to the date of judgment and decree. In the future, she is entitled to recover the said maintenance with 10% annual increase subject to the performance of her matrimonial obligations and settlement with the defendant /petitioner because the marriage of parties exists and monthly maintenance of respondent/ plaintiff No. 2 is fixed as Rs.10,000/- since 27.09.2018 with 10% annual increase from January 2022 till her legal entitlement and held that the interim maintenance allowance of minor paid by the petitioner /defendant during the pendency of the suit will be adjusted. The respondent/ plaintiff No. 1 is also entitled to recover 11 marlas constructed house or its alternative value which will be determined by the learned executing court. The petitioner /defendant was also held entitled to a decree for restitution of conjugal rights subject to payment of previous maintenance allowance, vide judgment and decree dated 18.01.2021.

That being aggrieved by the impugned judgment and decree dated 18.01.2021, the petitioner filed an appeal before the learned Additional District Judge, whereas, respondent No. 1 & 2 also filed appeal against the same judgment and decree and subsequently both appeals were decided by the learned appellate court/ respondent No. 3 vide consolidated judgment and decree dated 24.01.2022, whereby the learned appellate court/ respondent No.3 modified the judgment and decree dated 18.01.2021 while setting aside the decree for restitution of conjugal rights of petitioner and held that Haq Mehr is still outstanding so and respondent No. 1 is entitled to receive maintenance allowance of Rs.20,000/- per month since 27.09.2018 onward till transfer of house of Haq Mehr as per column No. 16 of Nikahnama (Exh.P2), she would be entitled to receive this maintenance allowance only on performance of her matrimonial obligations, hence this writ petition U/A 199 A of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, inter alia on the following:-  


That the impugned judgments and decrees passed by the learned both the courts below are against the law and facts of the case.

That the learned courts below while deciding the issue No. 1 & 2 also committed illegalities which is evident from the judgments and decrees that the maintenance allowance awarded to the respondents No.  1 & 2is excessive and beyond the means and resources of the petitioner, hence the findings of both the learned courts below are based upon imaginations and presumptions, which is not supported by any evidence.

That there is a misreading and nonreading of evidence while deciding issue No. 3 by the appellant court, whereby the learned appellate court held that as Haq Mehr is still outstanding so and respondent No. 1 is entitled to receive a maintenance allowance of Rs.20,000/- per month since 27.09.2018 onward till the transfer of house of Haq Mehr as per column No. 16 of Nikahnama (Exh.P2), hence the impugned judgment and decree is liable to be set aside in this regard also.        

That the impugned consolidated judgments and decrees passed by the learned courts below are against the law and facts of the case.

That the impugned consolidated judgments and decrees are the result of non-readying and misreading of the material available on the file.

That the finding of learned trial courts is against facts as well as the result of slipshod and hasty manner. That the learned trial court did not consider the material documents available in the file and passed the judgments and decrees on the basis of surmises and conjectures.

That the impugned consolidated judgment and decrees are otherwise erroneous and not sustainable in the eye of law. The learned courts below have not exercised the jurisdiction so vested to it.   

That the valuable rights of the petitioner is involved and if the impugned judgments and decrees are not set aside, the petitioner shall suffer an irreparable loss.

That the petitioner has no other efficacious remedy except to invoke the constitutional jurisdiction of this Hon’ble court.


In view of the above circumstances, it is, most respectfully prayed that while issuing the writ, impugned consolidated judgment and decree dated 24.01.2022 passed by the learned appellate court and judgment and decree dated 18.01.2021 passed by learned Judge Family/Trial Court, may kindly be set aside and suit of respondents No. 1 & 2 may kindly be dismissed, to meet the ends of justice.

Any other relief which this Hon’ble court deems just and proper may also be awarded.


Petitioner   Through    counsel

Dated: _________

Certificate: -

Certified as per instructions furnished by the petitioner this is the first writ petition on the subject ever moved before this Hon’ble Court.

No other petition, revision, or application on the subject is pending in any court of law up till the Supreme Court of Pakistan.



To attach an affidavit in support of the writ petition.

To attach grounds of appeal with judgment and decree of the appellate court.

To attach grounds of the family suit, written statement, and judgment & decree of family/trial court.

To attach oral as well as documentary evidence.

In case of non-attested documents are being attached, then the exemption petition must be coupled.

Application for suspension, if necessary, may be attached.

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