A suit for rendition of accounts. How to draft a suit for rendition of account?. The sample/template/draft is given here.


A suit for rendition of accounts

Purpose: To seek a decree of civil court for rendition of account in case of dispute between the parties for such an account.

Forum: Civil Court

Title: Plaintiff (a person who is seeking a decree for rendition of accounts) V/S Defendant (a person against whom the decree is required)


Respectfully Sheweth:-

That the plaintiff law-abiding citizen of the country and enjoying respectable life in the business community.

That the plaintiff and defendant had a good relationship with each other. The defendant is running a business of Jazz Franchise with the name style of “M/s Best Link Mobilink Franchise (7284) ” situated at Shop No. I-184/B, Kareem Shopping Centre, Committee Chowk (hereinafter referred to as suit franchise), and the defendant instigated the plaintiff to invest money in his business, due to close relationship and trust, the plaintiff agreed to make an investment in the aforementioned business of the defendant.

On 15.08.2016, the plaintiff paid an amount of Rs.50,00,000/- to the defendant as an investment in the aforesaid business through a written agreement. Copy of the agreement is attached herewith for kind perusal of this Hon’ble court. It is worthwhile to mention here that on 08.11.2017, the plaintiff paid a further amount of Rs.490,000/- to the defendant through UBL bank Charsada Branch on demand of defendant for purchasing of mobile phone cards, etc. (copy of deposit slip is attached herewith)

That as per the terms and conditions of the agreement, it was settled that profit will be shared between the parties with the ratio of 49% to the plaintiff while 51% to the defendant, whereas, the loss shall be borne by both the parties equally.   

That it is pertinent to mention here that the plaintiff entered into the above-said business of the defendant as sleep/silent partner, whereas, the defendant shall be bound to look after all the matter of said business as well as to make profit and loss account and thereafter the defendant bound to pay the profit to the plaintiff but during the initial period the defendant took time from the plaintiff in order to reconciliation of accounts, etc, but later on, the defendant failed to fulfill his part of the agreement and always used delaying tactics with malafide intentions or ulterior motives and never ever paid even a single penny to the plaintiff in the account of profit or in any manner whatsoever.   

On 10.05.2019, the defendant further established SN pharmacy and Rs.14,00,000/- net cash from the plaintiff (Rs.10,00,000 for the purpose of purchasing of medicine and Rs.400,000 for renovation) in presence of witnesses namely Abdul Bais and Sartaj. 

That on 10.10.2019, the defendant issued a cheque bearing No. 0000193, amounting to Rs.11,85,000/- HBL, Murree Road Branch in favor of the plaintiff with regard to profit, which cheque was presented by the plaintiff before his bank but due to insufficient funds in the account of the defendant, the same was dishonored, against which the lodged an FIR No. 120 dated 10.03.2020, offense U/S 489-F PPC P.S Charsada.

Thereafter, the defendant was arrested by the concerned police and sent to judicial lockup during the arrest of the defendant, Abu Zar s/o Gul Aftab, Shahzeb Khan s/o Sardar Khan, Tanveer son of Haji Malik Zahoor Ellahi, Ali Muhammad s/o Shamraiz and Zart Ali son of Aftab Gul initiated compromise proceeding and also took the surety of defendant for payment of profit amount to the plaintiff through an affidavit No.1771 dated 02.03.2022, upon which the defendant was bailout by the court of competent jurisdiction but after getting bail,  neither the defendant nor his guarantors honored to the above-said affidavit and did not pay the amount to the plaintiff. It is important to mention here that the defendant sold out the SN’s pharmacy against the considerable amount of Rs.2700,000/- without permission of the plaintiff or giving the share of the plaintiff.   

That despite paying the profit amount, the defendant prepared fake and fabricated receiving on a white page by incorporating different amounts and different dates just to grab the profit and principle amount of the plaintiff by way of blackmailing and harassing the plaintiff illegally, unlawfully, and without due process of law or rendition of accounts.  

Thereafter, a number of times, the plaintiff requested the defendant himself as well as through Jirga for a rendition of the account and to give 49% profit since the inception of the partnership and also to return the principal amount of Rs.69,90,000/- to the plaintiff and also get cancel the partnership agreement, fake and fabricated receiving of plaintiff along with receipts and affidavit No. 1771  but despite to accede the genuine and lawful request of the plaintiff, the defendant started harassing, humiliating, blackmailing and threatening the plaintiff for dire consequences. Now it also came into the knowledge of the plaintiff that the defendant entered into a partnership with one Ali Asghar vide deed of partnership dated 10.05.2019 without due process of law as well as without permission, consent, and rendition of account with the plaintiff, hence the said partnership deed is liable to be canceled having no value in the eye of law.     

That the act of the defendant is totally illegal, unlawful, improper, without any reason or justification which is not sustainable in the eye of the law, and if the defendant succeeded to fulfill his nefarious designs and act, then the plaintiff shall suffer an irreparable loss, hence this suit.

That the cause of action accrued to the plaintiff firstly when the parties entered into a business agreement, secondly when the defendant failed to pay the profit amount to the plaintiff, and thirdly when the defendant obtained bail on the basis of stamp paper No. 1771 his part of the agreement, and finally a week ago when the defendant refused to accede the request of the plaintiff and same is continuing day by day.

That the cause of action accrued to the plaintiff within the jurisdiction of this Hon’ble court, the residence of defendant and business under question is also situated under the limits of this Hon’ble court, hence this Hon’ble court has jurisdiction to try and adjudicate upon the matter.

That the value of the suit for the purposes of court fee and jurisdiction is fixed Rs. 20,000/- which is exempted from the levy of court fee, however, after the decree the plaintiff is ready to affix the court fee as per the order of this Hon’ble Court.


In view of the above circumstances, it is, most respectfully prayed that a decree for the declaration to the effect that the plaintiff is a lawful partner in the business of the defendant and the defendant is liable to be paid 49% profit since the inception of the partnership business along with principle amount of Rs.69,90,000/- and the partnership dated 10.05.2019 along with fabricated receipts of payment and stamp paper No. 1771 dated 02.03.2022 are void, void ab-initio and having no value in the eye of law.

A decree for cancelation of partnership dated 10.05.2019 along with fabricated receipts of payment and stamp paper No. 1771 dated 02.03.2022 is null and void.

A decree for a rendition of account of partnership business from inception to up till now.

A decree for mandatory injunction by restraining the defendant from further selling, alienating, changing the nature and character of suit franchise or entering into any kind or partnership deed/agreement and also be restrained from handing over possession of suit franchise and pharmacy to third party or person regarding the suit Franchise and S.N’s Pharmacy or harassing, humiliating and pressurizing the plaintiff in any manner whatsoever, may kindly be passed in favor of plaintiff against the defendant with costs.

Any other relief that this Hon’ble court deems just and proper may also be awarded to the plaintiff.

Plaintiff                 Through                 Counsel


Verified on Oath (name of city and date may be mentioned) that the contents of paragraphs are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and whereas paragraphs are believed to be true.


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