How to recover the borrowed amount through civil court by filing a suit while restraining the defendant from transferring the funds? The sample/draft/format is given here.

Civil suit for recovery of amount

Purpose: To obtain a decree of a civil court for recovering the borrowed amount.

Forum: Civil Court

Title/Parties: aggrieved person/plaintiff   V/s defendant/s 


Respectfully Sheweth:-

Synaptic background of the case is that defendant No. 1 was working as a midwife at the house of the plaintiff and during working, she requested to plaintiff that she had to need Rs.35,000/- for a loan in order to construct her house which the plaintiff gave the same amount on 26.12.2017 while she again requested for Rs.55,000/- more for the same purpose so on 07.10.2018 the plaintiff gave Rs.55,000/-  to the defendant No. 1 and the defendant No. 1 also executed an affidavit/agreement. Copy of same is attached herewith for kind perusal of this Hon’ble court.

That as per said affidavit/agreement, it was agreed between the parties that defendant No. 1 will pay back the said loan of Rs.90,000/- through deduction of her monthly salary. Defendant No. 1 also opened an account bearing No. 000000320723 in the bank of defendant No. 2  at the residential address of the plaintiff.   

Meanwhile, defendant No. 1 left the job of the plaintiff without permission, intimation, and without return back the said loan amount.

The plaintiff many times, requested defendant No. 1 to return back the said loan amount to the plaintiff but she not only refused to do so but also retained herself disappeared.

Now it came to the knowledge of the plaintiff that defendant No. 1 intends to fly to her native village/area by withdrawing all her amount pertaining in the bank/defendant No. 2.   

That the defendant is under obligation to pay Rs.90,000/- to the plaintiff with cost but she failed and if defendant No. 1 succeeded to withdraw her amount from the bank/defendant No. 2, the plaintiff shall suffer an irreparable loss.

That the cause of action firstly accrued to the plaintiff, when he gave said loan amount to defendant No. 1 and lastly when the defendant No. 1 refused to accede the genuine request of the plaintiff and same is continuing.

That the cause of action accrued to the plaintiff within the territorial limits of this Hon’ble Court, hence this learned court has jurisdiction to entertain and try upon the matter.

That the value of the suit for the purposes of court fee and jurisdiction is fixed at Rs. 90,000/-. However, the plaintiff is ready to affix the prescribed court fee as and when required by Hon’ble Court.


In view of the above circumstance, it is, most respectfully prayed that a decree recovery of Rs.90,000/-may kindly be passed in favor of the plaintiff against the defendant with cost of suit.

It is further prayed that a decree for permanent injunction restraining defendant No. 1 from withdrawing the amount pertaining to the ban/defendant No. 2 in any manner whatsoever, and a decree for mandatory injunction by directing defendant No. 2 not to allow issue cash to defendant No. 1 in any manner whatsoever, may kindly be passed in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendants with cost.  

Plaintiff through  Counsel


Verification: Verified on Oath that the contents of paragraphs are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and whereas para No. 8 to 10 are believed to be true as per information received.


Note: Must be attached an application U/O 39 Rule 1 & 2 read with section 151 CPC for an interim injunction.

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