Petition for restoration of civil suit
Purpose: to restore a civil suit, which has been dismissed due to non-deposit of process fee.
Forum: Trial
Title/Parties: same title as per the main
Respectfully Sheweth:-
That the above-titled suit was filed by the applicant as plaintiff
before this Hon’ble court which was fixed for 24.02.2020.
That on 24.02.2020, this Hon’ble court pleased to dismiss the above-titled
suit of the applicant due to non-deposited of process fee.
That on 20.02.2020, the applicant-plaintiff deposited the processing
fee before this Hon’ble court but the same has not been annexed with filed by
the Ahl-Mad of this Hon’ble court mistakenly as well as inadvertently. Copy is attached herewith for kind perusal of
this Hon’ble court.
That very valuable rights of the applicant-plaintiff are involved and
if the suit is not restored, the applicant-plaintiff shall suffer an
irreparable loss.
That even otherwise it is a well-settled principle of law that
technicalities should not become in way of justice and the cases should be
decided on merits.
In view of the above circumstances, it is, most respectfully prayed
that the instant application may kindly be accepted and the suit of the
applicant/ plaintiff may graciously be restored in the interest of justice.
Applicant through Counsel