How to send divorce through Pakistan High Commission. How to draw a divorce deed? Sample/format is given here.

Divorce Deed

Purpose: To break wedlock by a husband according to the injunctions of Islam.


BY THIS DEED OF DIVORCE I, [full name with parentage and address of divorcee] do hereby declare and pronounce Tallaq/divorce through certificate or under the seal or registration of Pakistan High Commission Pakistan by engaging solicitors, contents of which appears are as under;

WHEREAS I was married with [name, parentage & address of lady/wife], according to the Muslim Families Rites and Ceremony against a deferred dower of Rs.20,00,000/- on 09.10.2019 but till to-date Rukhasati has not taken place between the spouses.

WHEREAS, later on, some disputes arose between us spouses due to rough and harsh attitude of the said lady and other family members and executant sincere efforts and efforts of elders of both parties failed due to the fact that said lady refused to change her behavior, ultimately it is not possible for me to join the above said lady as a husband and wife according to the limits prescribed by Almighty Allah and I, hereby pronounce Triplicate  Divorce (Talaq –e- Salasa,) Talaq, Talaq, Talaq presences of the witnesses and set said lady [name with parentage] free from this wedlock and she can re-plan her future and even marry someone to her liking after the lapse of Iddat period.

Verification: it is verified that all the facts mentioned in the above-said divorce deed are correct and true and nothing has been withheld or concealed. I have divorced the said lady with free will and consent without any coercion or undue influence  

 A copy of this divorce deed is also sending to concern union council No. 26, Afandi Colony, Tehsil & District Rawalpindi, where the Nikah of the parties has been registered for further proceedings and also issuing the divorce certificate. 

Made, signed and posted on _____Day of Nov, 2021.


[name with parentage]

CNIC No. _____________

Passport No. ______________


1_________________________        2.______________________

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