Complaint U/S 506 PPC. How a couple can take legal protection through court? What is a remedy in law against life threats? The sample draft of complaint 506 PPC is given here.

Complaint U/S 506 PPC
Purpose: to seek legal protection against threats extended by the opponent party.

Forum:  Area Magistrate

Parties /title: Complainant Versus respondents (with complete addresses of both parties)


Respectfully Sheweth:-

The brief facts leading to the instant complaint are that the complainants are temporarily residing at the above-mentioned address, and are adult as well as educated persons. The complainants contracted the marriage on 31.08.2020 in accordance with Muslim Rites and Ceremonies through the court with their own whims and wishes while the respondents (parents of both the complainants) were against the marriage of the complainants, therefore, the complainants had no option except to leave their houses. It is worthwhile to mention here that the complainants never took any cash amount or any other precious items at the time of leaving their houses and they contracted marriage without any duress, pressure or coercion from any side or corner.

That being annoyed persons, the respondents intended to teach a lesson to the complainants on account of love marriage, and in this regard, the respondents are not only threatening the complainants for dire consequences but also are harassing, humiliating and pressurizing the complainants through different means and measures.

That in order to fulfill nefarious acts, the respondents in connivance with each other assaulted upon the complainants on 05.09.2020 at about 4:30 pm, when the complainants were busy in shopping in a nearest market (within the jurisdiction of this Hon’ble court) but due to intime intervention of local inhabitants, the respondents could not succeed in their ulterior motives.

That the lives of the complainants are at stake and risk under the illegal act and threatening of the respondents.               

Keeping in view the above-cited submission, it is very necessary to summon the respondents to the court and initiate legal proceedings against the respondents.


In view of the above circumstances, it is, most respectfully prayed that the instant complaint may kindly be accepted and the respondents may kindly be summoned before this Hon’ble court and initiated proceedings in accordance with the law against them and legal protection may also be granted to the complainants, in the interest of justice.


Note: attach the following documents with the complaint.

1.       An affidavit in support of compliant

2.       Marriage contract/ certificate

3.       List of witnesses

4.       List of documents.

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