Transfer /sale deed. How to draft a transfer deed? What are the main ingredients of the transfer deed? The format /draft is given below. Please make necessary amendments according to facts.

Transfer /sale deed

TRANSFER/SALE DEED OF Plot measuring (______) Marlas situated in the Revene Estate of ______,, Tehsil ________, district________.

00 NJS valuing to Rs. _________/-


(Full name, parentage, CNIC NO., and address of vendee)

 WHEREAS, (full name, parentage, CNIC NO. and address of vendor) is an exclusive owner in possession Plot measuring (______) Marlas  bearing Khewat No. ______,Khasra No. ________, Khatooni No. ________________,situated in the Revenue Estate of ______, Tehsil ________, district________ vide registered sale deed No. ______ dated _______ and mutation No. _________ dated. 

 Now the vendor for his personal needs intends to sell the above-said plot which is 70 feet distance from paved road situated at bounded as under: -

East                 :           _________.

West                :           __________

South               :           __________

North               :           _________


For consideration of Rs.130,000/- (Rupees One hundred & thirty thousand only) in favor of (full name, parentage, CNIC NO. and address of vendee) and the possession of the above-said plot is handed over to the Vendee.                      

The vendee has paid the whole consideration amount to the Vendor in presence of witnesses and the vendor transfers the right of ownership and receives the sale consideration before the concerned authorities.

 WHEREAS all the rights of ownership, possession, title, easement, and liberties whatsoever regarding the said plot shall vest in the name of the vendee, and the vendee has got a right and shall be at liberty to enjoy the same without any interruption.

 WHEREAS vendors do hereby assure the vendee that the present sale is absolute, wholly complete, full and final, irrevocable, and binding upon the parties and they shall not be entitled to circumvent, terminate, cancel, rescind, repudiate, or avoid the present sale.

WHEREAS the vendor shall be liable to make good the losses suffered by the vendee in the ownership, possession, and title of the said plot.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their respective hands to this deed after fully reading and understanding all the contents of their deed with free will, independence, consent, without duress, coercion, threat, or undue influence whatsoever, on the day, month, and year mentioned above and hereunder.












Toady on _____________, Friday at 12pm, _________________________ this document presented before us for registration.





 __________________________                                (2)_______________________



 I do hereby affirm the contents of the above deed after reading and listening and handing over the possession of the said plot to the vendee after receiving an amount of Rs.130,000/- before the court of  Sub-Registrar.

Dated: ____________________



 ___________________                                                          ______________

Vendor                                                                                    vendee


It is certified that the parties and witnesses have appeared before us on ________________

                                                                                     ___________ ___________


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