Criminal-Appeal U/ S 25 0f Anti-Terrorism Act 1997. How to draft a Crl. appeal U/ S 26 of ATA 1997?. The sample is given below, please make necessary changes as per the realities of the matter.

Criminal-Appeal U/ S 25 0f Anti-Terrorism Act 1997

To sue against the order of the trial court, whereby the appellant/ convict has been sentenced.


 Cr.Appeal No./ 2020

 (Name, father’s name, and address of indicted/ complainant). …Appellant


 The State

(name, father’s name, and address of the plaintiff/ replier)      ….. respondents


 U/ S 302( b)/ 34 PPC for the murder of Shahid Khan Traffic Warden and is doomed to life imprisonment. He's also ordered to pay compensation in the sum of Rs.500,000/- U/ S 544- A Cr-P.C, to be apportioned by legal heirs at law of the departed, if realized, failing which, to suffer SI for 6 months.

Under Section 302( b)/ 34 PPC for the murder of Nisar Shaheed son of Nazir Shaheed and doomed to life imprisonment. He's also ordered to pay compensation in the sum of Rs.500,000/- U/ S 544- ACr-P.C to be apportioned by the legal heirs at law of the departed, if realized, failing which to suffer SI for 6 months.

U/ S 7( a) of Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 read with section 34 PPC for the murder of Shahid Khan Traffic Warden and is doomed to life imprisonment with fine in the sum ofRs.500,000/- and in case of dereliction, to suffer SI for one time.

 U/S 353/34 PPC and is doomed to one-time R.I with a fine in the sum of Rs.,000/- and in case of dereliction to suffer SI for 3 months.

U/ S 186/34 of PPC and is convicted to one time R.I with a fine in the sum of Rs.,000/- and in case of dereliction to suffer SI for 3 months.

All the rulings awarded to the cons shall run coincidently. Reimbursements of Section 382- B of Cr-P.C was granted to convict for rulings other than the death penalty.

 IN CASE FIR NO.478/2018


 OFFENCE U/ S 302, 34, 353, 186, PPC, 7ATA,1997, 13( 2) a/ 2015,


 Respectfully Sheweth-

 That brief facts contained in persecution case, in report U/ S 154 Cr. P.C recorded on the strength of complaint Exh. PD of Inspector (complainant) is that on12.06.2018, he was appointed as Traffic Inspector Incharge at 0645 PM, indeed, he one with Faisal Khan 791, Awan Khan, Shahid Khan 603, Intiman Fasial 610, Traffic Warden was present at Company Chowk for the purpose of business duty. There was a rush due to Iftari time. In the meantime, one tableware colored auto No. AGW- 0007 came from the wrong side turn company Chowk. They used to mention it was Alam Khan Chowk in their rotisserie. There were two people boarded in the said auto whose names were latterly revealed as Raja Shaheed and Ahsan Iqbal. Due to their appearance from the wrong side, they were interdicted by business warden Shahid Khan. They felt it amiss and both came out from the auto. They goggled manhandling and acting out with Shahid Khan. In the meantime, Raja Shaheed casqued, asked Ahsan Iqbal (present appellant) to bring his gun from the vehicle so that he should educate him on an assignment for interdicting his auto. Imran Iqbal indicted, brought a gun from the vehicle. In their view, Raja Shaheed made a straight fire upon Shahid Khan in order to commit his murder. The fire shot hit Shahid Khan on the left side of his tummy. He fell down in the injured condition. Raja Shaheed indicted made an alternate fire shot which hit another person name Nisar Shaheed standing on the alternate story of the near structure. The fire hit on his face and he sustained injury and fell down. Raj Shaheed indicted made further upstanding blasting, hence this FIR.( Copy of FIR is attached herewith as annexure- A)

That after the completion of the investigation, a challan was submitted against the indicted, and a formal charge was framed against the complainant on 05.10.2018.

That the conviction and judgment passed by the learned trial court vide judgment dated12.11.2020 against appellant doomed him as mentioned above, hence this Criminal- Appeal U/ S 25 Of Anti-Terrorism Act 1997 inter alia on the following-

 G R O U N D S

That from the bare perusal of the entire substantiation produced by the execution, it's established that the presence of optical account PWs wasn’t established and they're the chance substantiations and their substantiation cannot be turned to be as independent character and it of alloyed nature and substantiation of the one alloyed substantiation cannot be corroborated another alloyed substantiation but this aspect of the case wasn't considered by the learned trial court while passing the impugned judgment.

 That it's important to mention then that FIR was lodged with devilish detention for further than 3 hours, despite this thing that the police station is quenched on half of K.M from the place of circumstance and during the trial PWs failed to produce the presumptive explanation of this detention, so the possibility of deliberation, discussion cannot be ruled out.

That the appellant and PWs weren't familiar with the complainant and identification of the appellant in prevailing circumstances is largely doubtful.

 That's also important to mention then that in the whole trial pacing no independent substantiation from the original is produced by the execution despite knowing the fact that the circumstance took place in a thickly peopled area or in the heart of the megacity at Iftari time but this aspect was also ignored by the learned trial court and passed the impugned judgment in a hasty manner.

 That the complainant was condemned by the learned trial court in the light of section 34 PPC and it has been clarified by the learned trial court in paragraph No. 8 of the impugned judgment that the participation of the indicted Imran Iqbal in the commission of this offense in the headway of common intention, despite this fact that during the trail all the PWs of optical account admit that circumstance took place in subprime of a moment and there's no substantiation of medication and sharing of common intention.

 That the impugned judgment is against the law and data of the case.

That the learned trial court stretched the execution substantiation in favor of execution against the settled principles of law.

That the trial court didn't estimate the substantiation in agreement with the settled principles of law.

That the execution substantiation is inconsonant and full of improbabilities.

That in any case, the judgment is too severe and uncalled for.


In view of the circumstances, it is, thus, utmost hypercritically supplicated that the instant appeal is accepted and the impugned judgment dated12.11.2020 passed by learned Special Jude Anti-Terrorism Court- III, may kindly be set aside and the appellant be acquitted in the interest of justice.

Any other relief which this Hon ’ ble Court deems just and proper may also be awarded.

 Appellant              Through     counsel



It is certified that as per instructions furnished by the complainant himself this is the first appeal on the subject ever moved before this Hon ’ ble Court.

No other appeal or revision is pending adjudication in any other court of law up till the Supreme Court of Pakistan


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