How to draft an application under Order I Rule-10 r/w Order 9 R-XVII c.p.c for impleading the parties in the suit? The draft/sample/format is given here, please do the necessary amendments in the suit.

application under Order I Rule-10 r/w Order 9 R-XVII c.p.c

Purpose: To implead additional parties by making necessary amendments in a pending suit.


 In the matter of:

(Give the title of the suit)



Respectfully Sheweth:

That the plaintiff filed the instant suit before this Hon’ble court which is fixed for today.

That the respondents/defendants No. 10 to 13 filed application U/S 12(2) CPC, in which, the respondents /defendant No.10 to 13 alleged that Mr. Atif/defendant No. 4 sold out land measuring 3K-2M through sale deed No.8734 dated 22.08.1990 in favor of Mr. Marchil and Mr. Marchil further sold out the same to Walidad/ the father of respondents/defendant No. 10 to 15 through mutation No. 701 dated 09.08.1992, whereas, Mr. Atif/defendant No. 4 also sold out land measuring 5K-4M through mutation No. 725 dated 13.04.1995, sale deed No. 11071 dated 12.12.1994 and mutation No. 768 dated 14.01.1995 in favor of Walidad and Mr. Pittor/defendant No. 3 also sold land measuring 1K-17M through sale deed No. 5230 dated 14.07.1998 and mutation No. 800 dated 19.08.1998.

That when the applicants obtained a copy of above said application U/ S 12(2) C-P-C, then the applicants got knowledge about the above-said fake and fabricated registered sale deeds and mutations which are also based on fraud and misrepresentation.

That the above said Mr. Marchil has died and his legal heirs are getting the benefits on the basis of above said fake and fabricated mutations and registered sale deeds, therefore, the applicants want to implead the legal heirs of Mr. Marchil  (deceased) in the array of defendants. The detail of the legal heirs of Mr. Marchil the are as under:-

Armjad, Ijaz, Ulfat (sons), Fareeda, Fizza, Sadia, Parveen (daughters)   

That without impleading the above said proposed defendants, as proper and necessary party as defendants, no effective decree can be passed in absence of the proposed defendants.

Furthermore, the applicants also want to amend the suit a following: -

In Headnote: suit for declaration, cancellation, possession through partition, permanent and mandatory injunction.

In plaint To Add 4A. That the defendants No. 10 to 13 filed application U/S 12(2) C.P.C, in which, the defendant No.10 to 13 alleged that Mr. Atif/defendant No. 4 sold out land measuring 3K-2M through sale deed No.8734 dated 22.08.1990 in favour of Mr. Marchil  and Mr. Marchil  further sold out the same to Walidad/ the father of defendant No. 10 to 15 through mutation No. 701 dated 09.08.1992, whereas, Mr. Atif/defendant No. 4 also sold out  land measuring 5K-4M through mutation No. 725 dated 13.04.1995, sale deed No. 11071 dated 12.12.1994 and mutation No. 768 dated 14.01.1995 in favour of Walidad and Mr. Pittor/defendant No. 3 also sold land measuring 1K-17M through sale deed No. 5230 dated 14.07.1998 and mutation No. 800 dated 19.08.1998 and when the plaintiffs obtained the copy of above said application U/ S 12-(2) CPC , then the plaintiffs got knowledge about the above said fake and fabricated registered sale deeds and mutations which are also based on fraud and misrepresentation, therefore, the same are liable to be cancelled being null, void, void ab-initio and against the genuine and lawful rights of the plaintiffs.

That if the instant application is not accepted, then the applicants shall suffer an irreparable loss.


It is, therefore, respectfully prayed that the application may kindly be accepted and the applicants may kindly be allowed to implead the suit according to para No. 6 of the instant application and to implead the legal heirs of Mr. Marchil (mentioned in para No. 4 of this application) in the array of defendants, for the best extreme of justice.

Any other relief, which this Hon’ble court deems fit and proper may also be granted to the instant applicants.

Applicants             Through                 Counsel 

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